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── 香月裕子・テキスタイルデザイナー、Katsuki Connection代表


幸せとは目的地にたどり着くまでの感動やプロセスにあります。Katsuki Connectionは、ものづくりの過程を「人生の旅」と捉え、さまざまな地域の情景をモチーフにしたラグやテキスタイルなどのインテリアアイテムをデザインするブランドです。すべての製品は日本の卓越した職人たちの手で、一点一点丁寧に仕上げています。
Katsuki Connectionから生まれるものには、お客様が想像の翼を広げ、幸せな旅路を楽しむようなアイデアがたっぷり込められています。空飛ぶカーペットに乗って旅するように、暮らしを楽しんでみませんか。


The house in which I spent my childhood was filled with sunlight, a lively place where my relatives always gathered. There are times even now when I remember out of the blue this house in which my grandparents lived.
My grandfather’s summer yukata hanging on the wall; the covered button dress my mother made for me; the glimpse of early summer through the curtains… These happy memories remaining deep in my heart forever are what keep me moving forward.
Yuko Katsuki, textile designer/Katsuki Connection


Happiness lies in the excitement of the lead up to reaching your destination and in the process of getting there. Katsuki Connection perceives regards the creative process as a “journey through life”; it is a brand that designs interior items such as rugs and textiles using motifs taken from vistas of various regions. Each and every product is carefully handcrafted by outstanding Japanese artisans.
There are a plethora of ideas within items arising from Katsuki Connection that will have the imaginations of our customers spreading their wings and enjoying a happy journey. Enjoy life, the same as you would a journey on a flying carpet.

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tel : 03-6903-5822

Tokyo   JAPAN

©2022 by Katsuki Connection
No reproduction or republication without written permission.

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